MERGING Final conference

Image ConfHousing initiatives as drivers of social inclusion

The MERGING final event has been held on Thursday April 18th 2024 in Brussels

Venue: Comet Louise, Place Stéphanie 20 - 1050 Brussels

 This event aimed to:

• Disseminate the project findings

• Share recommendations for scaling up and replica­ting such initiatives

• Establish connections and bridges with other orga­nizations and projects within the same field of action.

It allowed to gain insights into innovative housing solutions and to share knowledge about migrants and refugees’ integration accross Europe.

Throughout the day, we collectively brainstormed the fundamental components needed for guaranteeing the continuity, sustainibility and replicability of such initia­tives as well as creating a model of innovative public policy approach that could be implemented in various areas and broader contexts.

Conference material 

 Video of roundtable chaired by SBE


Some pictures of the day:

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Link to the invitation