WP6 Pilots evaluation

Led by COTA with the invlovement of UJML, Quatorze, UNIBO, UVEG, UGOT and MAU

The overall objective of WP6 is to analyse and enable policies, legislation and regulatory systems for migrants’ inclusion through housing.

Initial stakeholder analyses will identify key issues to be investigated that will generate a range of policies to exploit the economic viability, the sustainability and the efficiency of the housing initiatives.

COTA will use the information produced in the WPs 2 and 3 to develop a theoritical and analytical framework by using a Theory of Change approach. The analysis will be conducted by involving the members of the consortium and key stakeholders with a view to reaching a common understanding and description of expected changes, identifying the possible pathways leading to these changes and visualizing how projects can lead to these changes.

The final product will be a framework for the ex-ante and ex-post assessment of inititiaves and projects created to provide access to housing and to facilitate integration. The framework will be used for the formulation, the follow-up and the final assessment of the pilot projects implemented in the WP5. It should allow us to compare the situation before and after the implementation of the projects and also to compare different alternatives.

The final objective is to provide stakeholders with the necessary tools to ensure the appropriated governance and the successful implementation of constructive housing initiatives for immigrants.